Friday 19 June 2009

Cover me!

Oooh thats going to smart.. the pun that is.

I'm almost afraid to continue...

Well, ok, don't say I didnt warn you.

Remember I've been working on VHS to DVD from my old nightmarish stacks of VHS (if no you only have to scroll down a bit...go on.. I'll wait here, back now? Good we've been getting a little bored) sooo... once you have the video, author the dvd then what do you do with it?

Well mostly it goes in a 200+ zip case of DVDs to keep the things safe but with some (and here we're talking Dr Who) you want to do something special to keep this work on the shelf with the bought with real money discs.

So, if you like photoshop, you make a cover and to do that you need some artwork for the front. For various copyright and auction site related reasons (that I'm not going into - google if you want to know about fan cover abuse) I'm not going to put up the covers in their entirity but heres a sample of the photoshop work I've put together for some of the VHS conversions so far..

Click to go to my Flickr site for bigger versions..

Doctor Who - The Awakening / Frontios


Doctor Who - Planet of the Daleks

planet of the daleks

Doctor Who - And The Silurians


Now those of you reading past entries (all two of you) will remember I said (queue Waynes World wibberly wobberlyness)
nothing thats on DVD
Annnd we're back in the now. So, if this is out on (region 2) DVD why the cover? Well, I have actually bought this one but fancied trying my hand at the cover to match in with the others I have on the shelf already!

Doctor Who - The Seeds of Doom

seedsofdoomartwork copy

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