Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Of old games and old gamers

I'm a subscriber to LoveFilm (no, not those kind of films... and you have a dirty mind). If you haven't heard of LoveFilm before it's one of the new generation of on-line rentals where you pay a fixed amount every month and they send you a movie DVD or (as in this case) a game disc from the list you maintain on line.

There's nothing new in the DVD side of this, we've been using them for years since they were Screen Select but we recently added a couple of PS2 (yes, I know, I know) games and the first came through. It's the old first edition of Burnout and it's great fun (as all you hard core gamers already know).

With a goal of driving, well, like a maniac really its a great release after games that want you to drive against the clock and with perfect driving lines. Driving at 130MPH the wrong way through a tunnel and trying not to ram the oil tankers, you find yourself torn between the goal of completing the level and seeing the massive crashes you can cause (and replay in slow-motion) to see if you can make the high score table for insurance costs.

So, yes, it's great fun. Luckily I found a "pre-owned" version in Game over lunch time for the princely sum of £3.99 so I can send the LoveFilm disc back and still revell in destruction, no ASBO required.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a muscle car to try to hurl around harbour city without ramming into a lorry (or maybe I will and play the crash in slow motion)

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